Monday, February 25, 2013

What has Nintendo become?

This has been bothering me  for a while so I'll just go out and say it, Nintendo needs to grow up. It is hard for me to imagine  who can still be loyal to Nintendo after all these years other than little kids. There is no sympathy inside me seeing the Wii U fail so far, in fact I am glad the Wii U is doing so poorly in sales right now because they brought this upon themselves.

Everyone knows what I am talking about. Its there stupid idea for targeting the casual gaming audience and forgetting about the hardcore players that helped give birth to the console. I know because  I used to be one of them. I remember the good old days when they could be taken seriously but nowadays many call the Wii a last gen console. Back then they  had decent games and good third party support.

I hope there is a special place in hell for the Wii U. Nintendo needs to know I'm not in pampers anymore and hopefully Nintendo wakes up and joins the big dogs again.


  1. Nintendo are arrogant. They will satisfy their own desires to create what they want before they try to satisfy gamers or even shareholders. They also seem to believe that their products demand higher compensation compared to their competitors over a long-term period. You can see this in how few price drops Nintendo games receive compared to their competitors and third-parties.

    Nintendo got lucky with the Wii, as the system they wanted to create happened to resonate with a crowd who were willing to pay the asking price. This is not happening with the Wii U.

    To be fair to Nintendo, they were in a bad position given that the Wii had reached end-of-life earlier than the competition, so they had to act sooner.

    That said, they don't seem to be trying very hard. Wii U games - both digital and retail - are still overpriced compared to competition and demand for the system as a whole.

    Offering the cheapest machine will only take you so far. If Nintendo really want to dig themselves out of this hole, they need to recognise that gamers will see that the Wii U doesn't represent good value in terms of Total Cost of Ownership over its life span, and they need to adjust their prices to correspond with that fact.

    For what it's worth, yes, I bought a Wii U. :)

  2. Stupid article, nintendo makes more "grown up games" than anyone. And yeah a game with a gun isnt grown up

  3. The 3ds went from a last place system to a first place system, which wont relinquish its title at all this gen the way its selling. The wii u is starting, LIKE ALL SYSTEMS START. Badly. But the good companies can and will turn it around.

    When it comes to vita, sony doesnt want to turn it around, its their choice. Nintendo turned around 3ds and will do so for wii u.

    The wii u of right now will look alot different come this holiday with awsome titles like pikmin 3, wonderful 101, monster hunter 3 ultimate, a mario kart, a retro title, a zelda, already out.

    Sounds like the author needs to grow up. I'm sorry but most of the time it's insecure 13 year old boys that find themselves embarrassed to play games like Mario. Older gamers know a game does have top have a lot of commence in order to be fun. Yeah that word. The "f word." I think people here on n4g have forgotten that games are ultimately about having fun.
